Saturday, May 27, 2017

Vegetarian Beef Jerky

This is a great recipe if you're trying to cut back on meat in your diet but still miss some of the old favorites.  It's also great for someone who is vegetarian or enjoys a healthy vegetable snack.  Two of my favorite meat substitutes are Portobello mushrooms and Eggplant.  I use them in a lot of recipes because they mimic the taste and texture of meat and whatever you choose for flavor.  Eggplant will take on the flavor of most anything you like and it's a healthy, inexpensive vegetable to use.

I've cut way back in the use of beef, especially, in my diet and use the alternative mushrooms and eggplant.  One of my favorites is a Portobello mushroom Beef Stroganoff and the recipe is here in the recipe blog.  I've had rave reviews from people who've eaten it here.  They can't tell the difference!  Since eggplant is so versatile, I thought I'd share a great eggplant alternative for beef jerky.  Naturally, you can make a marinade out of anything you like....even using beef stock to amplify the beef flavoring, if you like.  It's all a matter of taste.  I'll share the marinade I like here and it is very "beef like" without any meat product.  The texture of the eggplant is very close to meat jerky and I think you will enjoy it!

1 Pound Eggplant
1/2 Cup Soy Sauce
2 Tablespoons Honey
1/2 Teaspoon Liquid Smoke

Slice the eggplant into 1/8th inch thick slices.  Cut into piece about 2 inches by 3 inches in size for easy drying.

Make a marinade using the Soy Sauce, Honey and Liquid Smoke.  When mixed together, pour into a large Ziplock plastic bag.  Add the sliced eggplant to the bag and make sure the marinade covers all of the eggplant.  Place the bag of eggplant in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, turning the bag once or twice to make sure the eggplant is thoroughly marinated.

When the eggplant is marinated, remove it and discard the marinade.  It's time to dry the eggplant and turn it into jerky.  The easiest way is to use a dehydrator, if you have one.  It's one of the handiest items I have in the kitchen and I use it for a lot of foods and herbs.  If you don't have a dehydrator, you can always dry the eggplant in the oven.  Just remember it will take longer to dry.

If you're using an oven, place the slices of eggplant on baking layer deep.  Set the oven at 115 F degrees or as low as you can set it.  Whether you're using a dehydrator or the oven, keep checking the eggplant for dryness.  The eggplant is ready once it's dry and chewy.  You can put the extra eggplant jerky in Ziplock bags, sealing out the air and it will keep for about a month.  You'll probably eat it up well before that!

Anyway, this is a good basic recipe and a marinade I use.  Feel free to use your own imagination and taste to flavor the eggplant the way you like.  Eggplant is very forgiving and accepts most any flavor you add.  This is one of the qualities I really like about it!!

Please feel free to share the recipe with family and friends if you enjoy it.  If you have any questions, you may email me at:   Please visit my recipe blog and try some of the healthy, easy and inexpensive recipes I share there.  I really try to focus on healthy alternatives in cooking and sharing foods from many different cultures.  Enjoy!!!

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